The Boat Company news
15 Fast and Fascinating Facts about the Tongass National Forest
Learn 15 fast and fascinating facts about the Tongass National Forest. We have no doubt, you will be falling in love this February!
The Boat Company Wins World’s Best Expedition Cruise Line
The Boat Company is honored to be awarded World’s Best Expedition Cruise Line in 2024 by the World Cruise Awards organization. Nominees included world-renowned Linblad Expeditions, and more.
The Boat Company Selected as a 2025 Good Housekeeping Family Travel Awards Winner
With a digital footprint of over 50 million people, Good Housekeeping takes their award selections very seriously. Their travel editors and product experts spent nine months reviewing hundreds of organizations. We are deeply honored.
We Are Up to Bat Again, Protecting the Tongass National Forest
Groups are currently in a back-and-forth battle to protect the Tongass National Forest via the “Roadless Rule.” Not only is the Tongass the largest national forest in the U.S. (at approx. 17 million acres), but it also happens to be the most intact coastal temperate rainforest in the world. Read on to learn about our efforts to save it.
Behind the Scenes: Our Boats Are Out of the Water!
Enjoy the operational details from Captain Jim Jefferson as he spearheads the efforts to get our vessels ready for the 2024 season! Learn about certain processes the M/V Mist Cove and M/V Liseron undergo to cruise smooth and seamlessly Spring through Summer.
Chef April’s Amazing Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers
We asked our lovely April, Director of Food and Service, if she had any special recipes to share with us for the upcoming holiday. She one-upped our request and came back to us with “how about recipes for all the leftovers!?”
Chef April’s Green Bean and Bacon Recipe
Holiday meals are pretty-well set in place; many people have their special dish they’ve mastered over the years. The real question is: what to do with those holiday leftovers? We found a way to do more than just eat them. Chef April found a way to give them entirely new life!
Chef April’s Smoked Salmon Cheese Ball Recipe
Part of Chef April’s series of what to do with holiday leftovers, here is another special dish: an appetizer featuring a twist on smoked salmon!
Chef April’s Moroccan Roasted Carrots Recipe
Part of Chef April’s series of what to do with holiday leftovers, here is a way to salvage those carrots and turn them into a prize-winning dish!
Looking Back: An Amazing 2023 Season
We recently caught up with Captain Jim Jefferson of our M/V Mist Cove to hear a few of his personal highlights cruising amongst the quiet coves and vast expanses of the Tongass National Forest this year.
Chef Amber’s Halibut Recipe
Chef Amber Kitka shares with us one of her go-to halibut recipes for fresh catches made by passengers. Try this Macadamia Nut Crusted Halibut at home to relive your cruise through the Tongass.
A Love Letter to the Tongass
For days we watched your inhabitant whales’ blows, fins and tales play with the surface of your silky smooth water. It was during the choppier times that we saw them for the first time truly dance, breaching in full-hearted devotion to the symphony of waves and wind that constitutes you.
Sitka Listed in U.S. Most Beautiful Towns
Conde Naste was not incorrect when they stated that Sitka is considered the most beautiful town in Alaska. In fact, they placed Sitka amongst 26 of the most beautiful towns in the United States.
The Boat Company Sets Sail for the First Time Since Pandemic
The Boat Company embarks for its first journey post-COVID. With passengers rearing to explore, a crew excited beyond measure, the M/V Mist Cove and M/V Liseron depart harbor for the beauty of SE Alaska.
Inside a Passenger’s Travel Diary
Follow our guest, Marisa, aboard the M/V Mist Cove in a mid-June expedition, as she takes a private kayak through a morning cove filled with mist, warms up with chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa on a skiff ride to a giant glacier and more.
Chef Maggie’s Corn Muffins
Best served warm, these muffins are equally delicious later toasted, and if you dare, buttered. Chef Maggie presents these on each of her cruises.
A Pecan Pie Bar Recipe from Alaska
Chef Maggie Haight indulges many passengers’ request by finally sharing this sweet treat’s making. Make ahead and keep for the week.
A Special Salmon Recipe from Alaska
A very special Bourbon Maple Glazed Salmon recipe awaits, courtesy of Chef Amber Kitka.
Operations Division is On the Move
Learn about The Boat Company’s new home port of call in Reedsport, OR, the extensive mechanical updates to the M/V Mist Cove, and an update on reservation availability.